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Christmastime Once Again Pt. 1 - thoughts behind the Holiday EP project

Christmastime Once Again Pt. 1 - thoughts behind the Holiday EP project

Like every good holiday story, this project starts in the past.

It was the holiday season about 20 years ago. Brian and I weren't making much in the way of funds. We thought it would be nice to record a home album of our favorite Christmas songs, and gift it to family and close friends.

Alex's brother, Edmond, loaned us a couple of really nice warm guitars, the perfect sound for a soothing Christmas EP.  We recorded everything in our cozy loft apartment in Troy, Ohio. That lovely apartment overlooks the well lit Christmas tree that sleeps in the middle of the town square that time of year.

Brian tracked everything with a free version of Pro Tools that ran on our first computer, a Bondi Blue iMac. Hours were spent layering vocals on top of sweet simple guitar. The result was a set of five songs. Four of those songs have been revisited and remixed for this release ("Little Drummer Boy" was left out because of licensing).

Fast forward to our now-life with kids.

Over the past seven years we've made it a family-holiday-tradition to either record a song, make a short movie, or sometimes both. You can see them on Vimeo! Last year our movie was a music video of a new Christmas song written by më and recorded with the whole family. The result is the title track “Christmastime Once Again”.

The four songs of the Christmas past and one song of Christmas present come together for this Holiday EP. We hope it you'll enjoy it as much as we enjoyed creating it.

So, grab a cup of hot cocoa, snuggle up by the fire, and give it a listen. Hope it warms you up! ... and if it does, maybe you'll pass it around to your family and friends too.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!


P.S. "Christmastime Once Again" can also be found in most audio streaming apps (add it to your holiday playlist!) ... but Bandcamp is the best way to support us ... and other independent artists.

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1 comment

  • KimP

    Such a great way to celebrate family and the holidays, Maery! Thanks for sharing your original work and old-time favorites. You did a lovely job of warming me up!

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