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"The Yearning for You is Endless" Started out as a song and then also became a painting.

"The Yearning for You is Endless" Started out as a song and then also became a painting.

"The Yearning for You is Endless" 

The idea for this painting came from a song I wrote years ago called “The Yearning”  I have the full lyrics listed with the painting here, and you can also hear it on itunes or spotify or whatever because I released it on my last record. The lyrics really inform the painting.  You can almost see the “oyster shells as my palms” or the way that the painting illustrates “I will wait for the pearls to form layer by layer…”

I had this image in my head for a while waiting to become a painting.  The whole idea came as one recurring image, like a recurring dream or something.  The image is of shapes reaching up but never meeting….full of movement and fluidity that never quite converge.  As I began creating this piece, I could feel it solidify, only I didn’t WANT it to solidify.  I wanted it to be in constant motion.  I decided to lift some threads of the form from the shadows and have them trail off in order to maintain the feeling of motion.  I also had some things trail of into the lighter yellow parts as well as the darker parts. This is a piece I could probably paint on my whole life and never feel done with it.  That is the whole sentiment of the painting and the song! 

In our lives, we are all yearning to be our better selves and to actualize our potential.  The chorus of the song says “The yearning that I know so well is the deepest ache I have ever felt” and that is talking about a core feeling. Some of us are very conscious of it to the point of it motivating our emotions and some of us are less conscious of it. If we stop long enough to question and assess, we would all see that it’s a subtle and underlying part of the human condition.




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