Life, as a projection of our mind, is meant to crumble. It was never meant to last. Life is a series of detours and beautiful interruptions. That’s how it is complex. That’s how it is layered with fascination. Noone can be fascinated with a straight line. The curves or interruptions are what makes it interesting. How did we get here? Right here where we are? What led us to this point? Was it our directive, or the detours insisted upon us by an outside source? The detours we never knew we craved. Climb around the timeline of your life and pay particular attention to the things that were not “up to you”, the things that seemingly came out of nowhere. These are your messages from a Divine source, or just a source other than “you”. What you do with the messages is “all you baby”. But recognize that when you are in the driver’s seat and when you are going along for the ride. Life is a trip!
This is especially important to embrace in these trying times. So many of us believe that we always deserve to be in the drivers seat, and that anything that takes us from that drivers seat is a fluke. But look at your own life. Are you really in the drivers seat? What are your favorite memories? They are usually times when something happened that was out of your control. The time the power went out and you met the love of your life. The time when your car broke down so you walked to the nearest gas station and you met your new best friend. Any plot in any movie is based on some sort of conflict and then conflict resolution. So many of our fondest memories are tales of things going wrong and the choices we made after that. It makes for a great story of our lives! We don’t actually want to zag along in life, we want the universe to put a little zig in our zag.
I thought of the “zig” when I painted this, and tried to let the lines lead us through visually as well as representationally. They can be seen as timelines moving in and out making detour after detour. There is a straight horizontal line about 2/3 of the way down. It is meant to be the baseline for all the rest to react to. It is also meant to be a division between the two spaces, keeping them related, but making them appear like 2 different realities by switching up the light source.
My mind wandered a lot in the months it took to create this painting, but it always came back to the concept of playing with reality, or in a sense creating a whole reality within the image itself. That spans out into ordinary life as well, we truly create our own reality because much of what our reality is, as humans, is not anything physical, but a projection of our intent, emotion, mental state, and spiritual self. What a privilege it is to be able to paint a little glimpse into how I see it.